Our personal prayer often involves words, spoken or silent, in communcation with God. But this is not the only way of praying. And when words do not come easily or if we feel there are ‘right words’ that we may not be using, the need to find words can get in the way.
Christian tradition offers a variety of forms of prayer that do not rely on using words.
This morning will present a modern form of prayer that many people have found helpful for their personal prayer, which involves doodling. This will be a quiet morning with some time learning together and some time for individual space. It will involve coloured pencils and paper but you will not have to share anything you produce with anyone else.
The morning will offer some ideas to take this style of praying further or to pass on to others.
If you’re looking for another way of prayer to add to your vocabulary, or you are looking for a more helpful way to pray on your own, this morning is designed for you.
It will be suitable for adults and older children.
Materials will be provided but feel free to bring your favourite coloured pencils or pens.
The morning will end with home-cooked lunch together.
Suggested donation is £10.
(If the cost is a barrier you are welcome to come and give what you can.)
You can book a place here.
If you would like to know more please call Mike Fitzsimmons on 01538 382483 or e-mail stchadsleek@gmail.com.