Fellowship Meetings will take place on the following dates:

Monday 12th August

Tuesday 3rd September

Monday 14th October

Tuesday 5th November

Monday 9th December

All meetings will take place in the Church (in the Vestry) at 6.00pm, unless otherwise stated.


Minutes of Meetings:

Fellowship and Welfare Committee

Agenda and notes from the committee

Fellowship and Welfare meet on the 7th May 2019 at 6pm

The committee discussed the following items

  • Open Church Week (Leek arts Festival)

The church will be opened every day from Monday 27th May. The opening times will be 10,00 – 16,00 we agreed a list will be available in the church for volunteers for that week

Posters and advertising merchant would also be available from Sunday 12th May.

We also agreed a cake list for all those who kindly back cakes for the week. This is for the visitors to enjoy with a cup of tea/coffee. All the proceeds go to the running of the church.

  • Club Day Barbara reported there was still some concerns regarding the lack of volunteers to replace the main two Barrier marshals who had resigned. (We pray that someone will come forward.)

All saints had 3 route barrier marshals who had volunteered for the day

The next meeting will be June.

We agreed to have a food list for donations for club day feed after the march.  All donations greatly accepted so to cut down on waste we do not require any sandwiches.

  • Open church for June/July/August starting on the 8th June and running to the 31st August we have the open Saturdays. Opening times will be 11am to 1pm. Sheets will be available at the back of the church to volunteer
  • Dedication Festival 28th July we agreed to two course hot meal at the church more information to come as preparations are taking place. Ticket will be available prior to the meal to purchase
  • Vacuum required for the Hall the old vacuum has finally died and the committee would like to purchase a new one therefore we need agreement on this. ACTION
  • Messy church will run on the 4th Sunday of the month but to ensure messy church is running always check on the web page

Present: Barbara Baglee, Angela Jervis, Mary Hughes, June Flavell, David Picken.

Apologies received from Fr David Nicol / Jeanette Nicol.

The next meeting to be held will be on the 10th June 2019.