Andy Kind – Promedian is at St. Paul’s on 30th November.
Andy Kind is at St Paul’s on 30th November . Andy Kind is a Promedian – a preacher and a comedian. He believes in two things: laughter and the Gospel. Tickets will be on sale from Tina in the office, Tel 01538 373306 . £5.00 a ticket. Limited tickets.
*** FOUND ***
A Mountain Bike has been found at All Saints Church (Compton, Leek).
If you have recently lost or had stolen a mountain bike and think this could be yours, please contact us on 01538 528545, with a full description.
Autumn Concert at All Saints Church – Saturday 28th September 2019
A Charity Concert is being held at All Saints Church (Compton, Leek) on Saturday 28th September 2019 at 7.00pm with Elms and Friends featuring All Saints Church Choir, in aid of Douglas Macmillan Hospice.
Everyone welcome!
£5.00 on the door.
Refreshments served during the evening.
Summer Saints – for families with children aged 0 – 9 years
Throughout the Summer we will be holding a variety of activities for families with children aged 0 – 9 years.
Sessions will run every Tuesday from 9.30am – 11.30am at All Saints Church – Parish Hall.
Activities include: toys for babies, craft activities for older children and depending on the weather sports and games outside.
Tea and coffee will be served for […]